My rating: 4 of 5 stars
No Spoilers! Definitely colorful language abound!
I think it's time for some realness. I've had this book for almost an entire year, I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review...11 months ago. Thanks NG?
I could be all upset with myself being that I waited this long to read what has turned out to be, a wonderful series. That wouldn't be the right thing, I think. I've been in a serious book funk lately, I haven't read much and reviewed even less. The blogging, twitter, requests, page views, and drama took the sparkle out of reading. I felt like I wasn't reading to read, I was reading to review and, for me personally, they became very different things.
So, here I was, around midnight when I realized I had this baby on my kindle. I quick bought the first one, and gobbled it up. I was pretty disappointed at first, I just wasn't connecting but it was entertaining enough that I kept going. It's not often that a new series gets a double 5 star rating from some of my more discerning blogger friends, and I had a feeling this was going to be worth it. I was so right.
Crushed was great. Plain and simple. Again, I read this in one sitting, and it felt fantastic. I decided I wasn't going to review anything, until I felt like I had something to say, so I guess I do?
Here it is:
If you haven't read this series yet, I envy you. Reach for it when you need something to swallow up reality and replace it with something better. It pulled me from a deep-dark funk, and I hope it does the same for you.