My rating: 3 of 5 stars
☆ ☆ ☆
I'm really going 3.5 here but rounded up because I feel like it. YOU DON'T OWN ME GOODREADS.
EDIT: Changed rating down half a star, it's been a few days and it's just more accurate.
No spoilers and colorful language abound!
*I received this book in exchange for a review*

The Forever Song is a closing chapter on a much loved series Blood of Eden, I was a little late to the party for this author and walked into it blind but boy am I happy to be here. I do not necessarily love the first two installments, I do however really enjoy the character development and simply the way that Kagawa writes. Unlike the first two this starts off with Allie fully eclipsed be her deamon, a darkness we have yet to see from her that I fully reveled in. With the monster in control, her sire and her blood brother at her side they set off from New Covington with the singular objective to stop Sarren by any means necessary.
The road to Eden is is both physically and emotionally tumultuous for our heroine. There are many obstacles Allie must overcome to complete her journey, chief among them learning to accept who she was and who she is now. I have to admit there was a time and a place that I wanted to reach through my kindle screen and shake her bony ass. I was so exasperated by her fucking nonsense that I contemplated throwing in the towel all together. The world was at stake here, the human and vampire race were hanging in the balance and you are going to what? Now? ARE YOU KIDDING?

So then, I put myself in a little time out.

I decided to beef up my gif library and contemplate if it was worth finishing. I came to terms with the fact that I don't give a hoot about Allie. I thought she was pretty kickass as a human, not so much as a vampire, win some lose some yadda yadda. Jackal and Kanin however were always my favorites and for them I must prevail. For this I give Kagawa credit for all of Sarrens complete utter nonsense, over the top insanity, poetic drivel you have Kanin's stoic, grounded realistic tether into the here and now. For all the immature, wet blanket, self righteous bullshit Allie parades all over the pages, you have Jackal's flippant, in your face, take it or leave it sparkle. The balance was very needed and just as one was getting too ridiculous, the counter would chime and pull it back to the middle.
As the coven of vampires raced to stop Sarren, Kagawa artfully crafted closure for each of her beloved characters. The end of a series is always one with mixed emotions for both the author and the reader, she remained true to her characters, the characters remained true to themselves. You will have a feast of action, gore, surprises, gut wrenching goodbyes and peaceful resolution.
BONUS: At the end of The Forever Song we are treated to just a teaser of Talon, and I for one can't wait to read it!

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