The Darkest Minds by
Alexandra Bracken
My rating:
3 of 5 stars
(Actual is 3.5, would have been 4 but
long boring middle...)
No spoilers and colorful language abound!
I finished reading this book six days ago, and I'm still at a loss on what I want to say, mostly because The Darkest Minds is many things all rolled into one. I had varying degrees of feels throughout this book that ran the gamut from "this is the worst" to "oh, YES". Despite some feelings being on the negative side, I always
felt something and never emotionally checked out. So, it has that going for it. Aside from the fact that I am entirely dystopianed-out, The Darkest Minds fought the good fight and has managed to stand apart in a sea of over-done-squeeze-every-penny-out-of-this-plot themes. Bracken created a truly dark world where the worst thing imaginable happens, parents fear their own children and voluntarily turn them over to be "fixed" without so much as a second thought on how and what that means. There are few things in life that, despite our personal experiences, remain true, which is to say the love and bond between a child and their parents/caretakers. It was unsettling to see how quickly that bond could be broken, how little it could withstand. As a mother, I found this both horrifying and unbelievable, and I remained in that mind-set till the very last word on the page.