My rating: 2 of 5 stars
☆ ☆
Some mild spoilery jazz and colorful language abound! Enter with caution.

So for real, two stars is kind of pushing it in my opinion because as my friend Cory put it, "this is where feminism goes to die." The flip side to that coin is this is chock full of fantasy and if you can check your morals and self worth at the door, it might be slightly fun, maybe. Let's join in this together, okay? Adjust your fantasy volume down to "delivery boy shows up with the pizza but all the young ladies at the sleep over have no money so they pay him in in other ways". I am comfortable in saying that Lick is the more feminine version of that fantasy. Plain-wallflower-country music loving-ordinary-too-curvy-to-be-pretty-tell-it-like-it-is-Evelyn get's black the fuck out drunk and marries the most famous rock god of her generation. She isn't even really sure who he is because she's too simple and into country to know who he is, lulz. David of course remembers it all, and makes the sober choice to marry a black out drunk 21 year old on a whim, cause she stands up for a fat chick being bullied. Lulz.
Three days later they decided that it's a great idea to go spend some time together, and duhhhh are soulmates for realz. Insert a stupid drama bomb so he can chase her and prove himself, annnnnnnnnd done.

There is not a singular aspect in this story that I can take seriously. So why the two stars? On some level it wasn't horrific, it was mildly entertaining and full of lulz. That's about it. Considering how much I enjoyed the Flesh series by this author I thought Lick my turn out to be better than it was. The truth is, if you want to take a trip down "absurd fantasy land" this might work for you really well. I've been told that the rest of the series is much better but I would assume follows much of the same formula. Mehhh.

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