My rating: 4 of 5 stars
No spoilers and colorful language abound!
On the Edge (Book 1)
Bayou Moon (Book 2)
Ah! This, again, took me awhile to sink into. I'm not sure why I find the beginning of all of these books so tedious, but somehow I plow through, because I know how worth it, it is to finish. They are so good. I think I had forgotten how negatively I felt throughout most of the entire first book, yet I gave it a descent rating, they won me over with that ending. That seems to be the theme of me and these books.
Can I just say how happy I am about this world? Also, how equally sad I am that it's ending? I feel really comfortable now with the rules and landscapes of The Weird and The Broken and The Edge. I am deeply invested in the political environment between the various territories. With the switch in MCs each book, we are given a deeper attachment to these fascinating dual realities, I am excited yet sad to be starting the last book.
Fate's Edge I think was my favorite. Kaldar was everything I expected and then some. Sigh. His humor had me cackling in the dark, in the wee hours of the morning.

Overall the humor in this book was on point. Jack and George are a wealth of endearing charm, I am so pleased we've gotten bits of their story since the beginning and we seem to be following it through. I wonder if they would ever pick up the story again when the boys are grown up! YEAH. That should happen.

Anyway, time to read on.

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