My rating: 3 of 5 stars
No Spoilers! Definitely colorful language abound!
I really love this series and world the author has created, and I usually am delighted to step back into it but this book... this book was rough. I flew through the first half and hit a wall with the second. I simply could not get down with the antagonist for this installment. Simply put, I'm happy its over and to be moving on.
I think there was an intent to do something a little different? However, it was just drawn out and boring. There was a lot of repetition and what was supposed to be a shock and awe moment fell flat. There are some loose ends here, as always, so I'm eager to read the next one... after a break.
It doesn't speak well for a book if you aren't dying to jump into the next one. Boohiss. Frost has more than earned a little slack in this department, so I'll shift gears for now and come back to the NH series later.

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