My rating: 3 of 5 stars
No Spoilers but probably colorful language!
What the hell did I just read? I have to say this was one of the more obscure books I've read and not necessarily in the good way. Half of the time I kept assessing the plot line and question what the fuck was even happening. The other half of the time I was actually laughing out loud. I can't remember the last time a character has made me laugh this much, I'm not sure anyone ever has before.
OK so Q is our MC here, she's a 22 year old teachers assistant in a kindergarten class. She's emotionally stunted, socially awkward, apocalypse obsessed, and her best friend is a six year old named Hannah.

Yeah, I told you, weird. She's also fucking hilarious.
Ellen Flinders marched over to her. Q assumed her best combat parent stance, which was similar to the one she used on dogs with dominance issues."
Angela examined her fingernails. "Have you ever described yourself to yourself?"
"What do you mean?" It sounded fun. Q tried it out.
Martial arts expert. Good with guns. Failed the army psych test. Unresolved issues with dead mother.
"My God," Q said. "I sound like a psycho."
"You're quiet," said Angela. "What are you thinking about?"
"My therapist advised me against answering that question in new social situations," Q said.
These are not one liners at an attempt to be funny, what makes it so funny is this is just who she is and how she talks. I love her.

Everything else, besides how funny she is, is ridiculous. I do mean everything.
Every character is too much. Too intense, too vegan, too asshatish, too survivalist, too insane. It's this collection of overly exaggerated versions of real people, and they are all on the same vegan retreat in the Australian bush. I think in order to enjoy this book one needs to realize it's just not that serious. When you take a step back and accept that this is meant to be fun and funny, accepting these aspects just adds to the humor of it all. This is not a scary zombie apocalypse novel, it's something else entirely.
There is a part of me that wishes Q could have been in a more intense, heart pounding, terrifying, in depth plot. I think taking her as a character with the juxtaposition of a true apocalypse would have been a home run. I suppose what I'm saying is it could have been so much more, but it is what it is. Which is a light, fun, quick read. You won't find your soul in this book but you will find a few good laughs.
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