My rating: 3 of 5 stars
No spoilers, colorful language abound!
Cinder Review
I just took a deep breath. Let's pull this train back into the station for a second here. I hated Cinder. I hated reading it. I hated thinking about it. The only good thing about finishing Cinder was being able to write a review on all the reasons why. It was cathartic. Somewhere near the end of Cinder I got really curious about the Lunars and the impending shit storm. So curious, that I decided to read Scarlet. Now had I not already purchased it, I wouldn't have read it but there it was, with it's pretty cover sitting there on my Kindle waiting to be explored. I decided to go ahead and give it a try as so many of my friends assured me Scarlet was much better than it's predecessor.
Well, they were so right!

When I started reading I was really determined to read with an open mind. That being said, it wasn't that open. It was filled with judgey eye rolling and a "this is going to suck" chip on my shoulder. Then little by little I inched along becoming more and more entranced.

Loved Cinder's transformation from whiney baby to badass in training. Loved the addition of Thorne, I think he is hilarious and brings some much needed laughter . Scarlet was not someone I emotionally invested in, however by the end I felt the warm and fuzzies. Wolf was pretty predictable but in a charming way. Kai was a dawdling twatwaffle, again. I really enjoyed the pace of this installment versus the first, and the multi perspective added a much needed layer for me. All in all I am very much looking forward to Cress. Rapunzel is one of my all time favorite fairy tales and I can't wait to see Meyer's take on it!
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