My rating: 3 of 5 stars
☆ ☆ ☆
No spoilers and colorful language abound!

I feel mostly "meh" about the whole story but am slightly more inclined to give it a higher rating on the sole basis that it actually really scared the crap out of me.
First and foremost I really like Perry, I think. I like her voice and her sense of humor but my spidey senses for "girl hates herself and you are going to hate her for it" are tingling. Truthfully speaking I think that she has more of a justification for not really having a better sense of herself at the age of 22. That all being said I just connect with her and I hope I'm wrong. (view spoiler)
I fucking dislike Dex. I think he's charming and interesting but an asshole. I've been warned that this opinion will change.

Challenge accepted.
Other than that I really don't have much to say at this point so I'll just bullet point the shit out of this review:

- Curious
- Aggravated
- Creeped out by clown lady
- Too many questions, not enough answers
- I really don't like Dex, not even a little.
- Why is her uncle so weird
- Her parents need to get a grip
- Why doesn't she remember all this stuff from her childhood
- Annnnnnd that's about it. This is all I can muster. I am however anxious to get started on the next installment so I gots to go.

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