My rating: 4 of 5 stars
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
No spoilers and colorful language abound!

Well… what the actual fuck did I just read? I really have no idea how to review this book, as it is my first Bizzaro read, I'm not sure how it holds up in it's own genre. As a new-comer to this fascinating world of print I have to say, it was great! When this book showed up in my news feed, I of course had to at least look at the synopsis, only to find "50 shades blacker than your asshole" and I bought it without hesitating. You make me cackle in the first line of your blurb, SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY.
With a few clicks, it was on my Kindle and I waited with hushed giggles for my husband to get the "ping" of a purchase on his iPad. Surprisingly, he just nodded at my purchase, I suppose he knows me better than I give him credit for.

I'm not going to go into the plot really, this book isn't that long and I don't want to spoil. I invite you to take a look at my updates and if that tickles your fancy, welcome to your new favorite genre! There was not a moment I wasn't in flux between cringing, laughing or pondering why I chose to read this in the first place. The ending absolutely killed me, from 80% on I was cracking up, all talks about buttholes and hand jobs and the Westboro Baptist Church is the enemy, what's not to love? The part I found most surprising is how well written it is, I didn't have much to go off of except the title and that cover art so... my expectations were really low. Color me surprised when not a single sentence jumped out to assault my eyeballs, well done W.W. Pecker.
Here is what I know, this was fucking hilarious, I will be reading the next installment and I have a new genre to explore!

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