My rating: 3 of 5 stars
No spoilers and colorful language abound!
I have something to admit. I have been refusing to read this book based on it's cover. I know I know, I mean look at all their covers... I know they still contain magic but this one, I just couldn't get past. Then all my friends started reading it and decided I'd take the jump too.
Then I loved it. I mean seriously, LOVED IT. A cat boy and another who raised his crazy dead grandpa who eats dog brains all before page five? A place called the Weird and the Broken?

Then we got to Declan and I hated him. Deeply.

In fact, it made me not want to read this anymore. I hated Rose's reaction to him, I hate how arrogant he was. None of it was working for me anymore. Upon the urging of very trusted friends, I kept going. I'm so glad I did.
Right now, I'm just happy. It's the kind of happy when you discover a new series to love. It cannot be compared to anything else. Most of the time as a reviewer, you slosh through a lot of ..um..shit. Then you escape back into your favorites and participate in epic rereads to remind yourself why you even liked to read in the first place. Maybe you get tossed a new release of something you've been waiting on for ages and it's glorious but those are few and far between. But
Excuse me. I need to go stock up on tea and snacks. I HAVE READING TO DO.

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