Feverborn by
Karen Marie Moning
My rating:
2 of 5 stars
Pointless. Plotless. I feel nothing.
I had a cathartic low with this series during Burned, I let it all out in my review and made peace with the loss. My expectations were hovering around "trash heap" for this book, I knew it would center around Mac, and Dani would be an odd after though of awkward proportions. I was correct. Essentially, nothing happens aside from a desperate attempt at character development, similar to a first book in a long series, so it feels out of place.
Mostly, I spent my time disinterested and mildly bored. You ever get back with someone who has cheated on you? They tell you all the things you want to hear, remind you of how good it was in the beginning, then shower you with love and attention. For a short while you remember, you feel it and then you go out to eat and all you hear is how loud he breaths, his once charming strong chin now looks comically out of place, and his jokes are childish and offensive. All the sudden you have no idea what you were thinking. He is trash. He is behind you. He is irrelevant.
That's precisely how I feel about this book. I'll read the rest of the series, for the same reason you don't unfollow him on Instagram.