My rating: 3 of 5 stars
☆ ☆ ☆
No spoilers and colorful language abound!

For real, I'm all over the place here. First of all the start was fantastic as was the ending. That middle though, christ on a cracker that shit was boring.
This world:

I despise the over use of the word "awesome" because some times it actually applies and seems so underwhelming to say. It isn't. This world is fucking awesome. I couldn't get enough, I couldn't be more enthusiastic about all the things that make up this world.
This plot:

Gah. Easily the worst part about this book. It's the same old story is some reallllllly nice new wrapping paper.
These characters:

All of them. ALL OF THEM.
This love story:

Please stop. I get it, I really do, soul mates, lovers, blah blah blah. I fucking get it. IT'S ALL TOO MUCH. STOP TRYING TO SUFFOCATE ME WITH THEIR LOVE. The more you force down my throat, the more childish and petty it becomes.
This writing:

Smooth as fuck.

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