My rating: 4 of 5 stars
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
No spoilers and colorful language abound!
This starts off with you holding your breath, waiting for what was promised at the end of Magic Strikes. Then things take a turn for the slow, admittedly I had a hard time with the snail pace of things. True to fashion I.A. lays the groundwork for an incredible battle, simultaneously building up to what will be the crescendo and it starts off with a bang. Pro tip: Dig deep for the willpower to stay focused, its worth absorbing and not skimming ahead for hints of the Beast Lord. There is this wonderful moment where Andrea proverbially slaps the shit out of Kate, finally waking her up to taking some action. I nearly fell down in joy when she called Jim.

It's happening.
I felt slightly less enthused about this book than the others, for several reasons I suspect. Articulating them would require a great feat of self evaluation and contemplating my own future in therapy. I can count on one hand how many times I've been satisfied when a relationship changes from angsty to Dick and Jane.

So many times the author changes the core of the characters (or the characters change each other, barf) to fit into some bigger storyline, in the process losing all that is special about them. For me, more often than not 1+1 does not equal 2, it equals dumb and boring. Anyways, if you've followed my journey through the Kate Daniels series you understand my feelings on Curran, just another cheerio in the breakfast bowl of life; mushy, soggy, helpless. Sigh, I'm so unoriginal, however this deep rooted desire for His Furriness has enabled me to with-hold judgement. I feel the dark cloud of doubt hovering on the edges of my mind but I will give I.A. the grace that has been earned and allow the rest of the story to unfold.

Interestingly enough with each book my fangirl status with Curran has shifted it's focus to Kate, she's just so badass, I can't help it. Far too often I read books and the female MC is rather vague, just enough so that you see yourself in them, slightly vapid characteristics but "quirky" enough to wear converse and the male MC is arrogant/possessive/pushy/etc, it's a tried and true formula we all know well. I often give little thought to the female in the series with the bar set somewhere between "totally worthless" and "utterly annoying", I keep my expectations in check. Kate Daniels however smashed through the glass ceiling the minute she pulled out Slayer. This installment was above and beyond badass, I was so giddy I couldn't even stand myself when she busted into the meeting room (I mean really, that was just fucking awesome), I love her. It's everything you've ever dreamed of, except it's in the shape-changer world were challenges are fought to the death. If anyone can walk beside Curran, it's Kate and he knew it from the start.
Psst, Kate:

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