My rating: 5 of 5 stars
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
No spoilers and colorful language abound!
I'm not even sure where I am right now, finished this book somewhere around midnight and decided to go right into Magic Rises, you know just for the first chapter so I could sleep. Yeah, we've all told ourselves that one before. Well oops, look at that it was 6:30 am and I had totally forgotten to sleep. Was that my children I hear, oh it's going to be a long day. Must. Hold. It. Together.

Let's just start here and get this out of the way, I love this book! One of my favorite aspects of this series as a whole is the magical world in which Kate finds herself navigating, and the players in it. In this installment we are treated to a smorgasbord of all things magical but more specifically the big players in each group. I'm so enamored with this world, I could just stay in it forever following Kate around on her adventures, in that aspect I can very much relate to Julie. Pretty quickly The Cutting Edge gets a new client and you can feel it wash over you, you just know it's going to be good. The second aspect bringing this book to favorite status is Beast Lord and Consort Domestic Edition. I felt very unsettled with their relationship in Magic Bleeds, and this helped me come around. Throw in a dash of Julie, Andrea, Barbaras, Saiman and Derek and you've got yourself something really fantastic!

As with each installment we've walked with Kate on her path to self discovery, acceptance and growth into who she is and who she must become. When a threat to the magical community becomes a reality the fractions must stand united and act swiftly, bringing Kate into contact with some distant relatives and unique view of her childhood. It's no surprise that Magic Slays brings this theme to the forefront sweeping Kate into situations where she must dig deeper into her magic and obviously, her past. With the restricting hold Vornon had over her released, she is finally able to take steps into finding out what she is truly capable of. Something interesting has happened to me throughout this series, and despite my undying love for Curran I find that my heart really lies with Kate. She's just so, so, so... FUCKING BADASS.

There isn't one moment I'm like "eh, Kate that was lame", NOT ONE. I don't know how to gush about her or talk about her with someone that has not been said, but she makes me want to be more of a badass. I have not nor do I think I will ever be this impressed with a female MC ever. She has set the bar to the highest standards, girl I love ya!

I wish I could list off all the moments in this book that I loved but you know, spoilers are crap and all. Plus I'd basically just be rewritting the book, so yeah... this will be a reread for sure!

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